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Massage Techniques Offered


With the long gliding strokes of swedish massage, coupled with a light but firm pressure you will find yourself relaxed and rejuvinated. This traditional massage technique is designed to increase blood flow, removing stagnant toxins that have built-up within tissues, and is the most relaxing form of massage for most people.

Deep Tissue

If you have tight muscles and/or a lingering injury, deep tissue is going to be the most effective way to rehabilitate those muscles associated with the injury. This technique uses deep pressure in a very localized area to best treat whatever ailments you may have. This technique is certainly not the most relaxing, but if you are looking to increase strength, power, and range of motion, this is the technique for you.

NOTE: Depeneding on what is most beneficial to the client, I mostly do combinations of both techniques, but if you prefer one over the other, I will make it exactly what your preference is. If you have any questions regarding  what will work best for you, please feel free to call or email me, I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have!


First Time Clients

60 minutes


90 minutes


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Returning Clients

60 Minutes


90 Minutes


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60 Minutes


90 Minutes


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NOTE: Students must provide a valid student ID to receive student discounts.

I also offer 120 minute massages if the client needs extra attention on specific muscles or muscle groups or if there is an injury, contact me for more information.

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